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Redi-Rock Solutions

Redi-Rock – Waterways & Shoreline Defence

Flood Defence

As last summer showed, at least ten per cent of all land in England lies within areas at risk of flooding. This includes large areas of Eastern England and much of the cities of London, York and Hull. The tens of thousands of building at risk including the Houses of Parliament.

Predictions for the next 50 years estimate that water levels in England will rise by around 0.3 metres.

In July 2006, the Local Government Association called for the annual budget for sea defences to be drastically increased describing present levels of government funding as “woefully inadequate”.

To help answer this national challenge, Redi-Rock provides flexible solutions that offer savings in economy and time-scale when compared to traditional methods.

Shoreline Protection and Erosion Control:Shoreline Defence
The proven track record of concrete performance in water applications makes Redi-Rock a fitting match to many challenges because the blocks are 100 per cent concrete and not steel re-inforced. Most severe water conditions can be addressed by using different cement or additives in the concrete mix to guard against water erosion.


Canals and rivers can utilise Redi-Rock blocks. Tow paths and river banks can be reinforced with a Redi-Rock solution that aesthetically compliments the environment. Redi-Rock is a quick to install and economically attractive solution that has the added advantage of being very ascetically pleasing in the country environment.


Floodplane Defences:Flood Defence
Redi-Rock is ideal for flood plane defences since as the seas rise so will the rivers and low lying land will flood unless protected.
Redi-Rock blocks are ideal for this type of flood defence. In the UK, the Environment agency has specified Redi-Rock for a large project in Newcastle.


For all of these water applications, Redi-Rock offers the following benefits:Flood Defence

  • Pre-cast strength against freeze-thaw cycles
  • Massive blocks with in-built strength
  • Quick and economical installation
  • Dry-laid, no mortar
  • Competitively priced
  • No maintenance
  • Natural stone appearance to blend into or compliment local environments


View case study on flood defence work for the Environment Agency >

View case study on flood defence work at Clifford Mill >

Download flood case study pdf v

All contents © CPM Group. 2009
CPM Group Ltd, Head Office Mells Road, Mells, Nr Frome, Somerset, BA11 3PD, UK
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